domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007

The Iron Lady

Em países que prezam a democracia, como o nosso vai tentando, há coisas assim. Não sei quanto falta para lá chegarmos. Mas se calhar nem é necessária.
A cadeira.

Have you seen the iron lady's charms
Legs of steel, leather on her arms
Taking on a man to die
A life for a life, an eye for an eye
And death's the iron lady in the chair

Stop the murder, deter the crimes away
Only killing shows that killing doesn't pay
Yes that's the kind of law it takes
Even though we make mistakes
And sometimes send the wrong man to the chair

In the death row waiting for their turn
No time to change, not a chance to learn
Waiting for someone to call
Say it's over after all
They won't have to face the justice of the chair

Just before they serve him one last meal
Shave his head, they ask him how he feels
Then the warden comes to say goodbye
Reporters come to watch him die
Watch him as he's strapped into the chair

And the chaplain, he reads the final prayer
Be brave my son, the Lord is waiting there
Oh murder is so wrong you see
Both the Bible and the courts agree
That the state's allowed to murder in the chair

In the courtroom, watch the balance of the scales
If the price is right, there's time for more appeals
The strings are pulled, the switch is stayed
The finest lawyers fees are paid
And a rich man never died upon the chair

Have you seen the iron lady's charms
Legs of steel, leather on her arms
Taking on a man to die
A life for a life, an eye for an eye
That's the iron lady in the chair

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007

My Country 'Tis of Thy People You're Dying

Como era possível expor tanta violência contra a supremacia branca para tantas pessoas? Sim, era na televisão. Pública. Hoje isso é possível?
Buffy Sainte-Marie foi uma das cantoras de folk mais importantes surgidas na década de sessenta. Contudo, hoje é completamente desconhecida.
Aquela voz, trémula e amargurada, é inconfundível e faz sofrer. Hoje em dia, ouvir uma coisa assim, ar fresco que dói ao inspirar, dá arrepios.
O programa era de Pete Seeger (que um dia aparecerá também por cá) e nele ele falava com amigos que convidava para cantar a América marginalizada, a que não dá lucro e a que impede o lucro.
A letra é duríssima. Por isso tinha de ser longa. Não está traduzida. Mas se houver um amigo que não perceba a língua que nos domina os pensamentos e o quotidiano, penso que não ficará indiferente a esta voz e àquilo que ela comporta consigo.

Now that your big eyes have finally opened
Now that you're wondering how must they feel
Meaning them that you've chased across America's movie screens
Now that you're wondering how can it be real
That the ones you've called colorful, noble and proud
In your school propaganda
They starve in their splendor
You've asked for my comment I simply will render

My country 'tis of thy people you're dying

Now that the longhouses breathe superstition
You force us to send our toddlers away
To your schools where they're taught to despise their traditions
You forbid them their languages, then further say
That American history really began
When Columbus set sail out of Europe, then stress
That the nation of leeches that conquered this land
Are the biggest and bravest and boldest and best
And yet where in your history books is the tale
Of the genocide basic to this country's birth
Of the preachers who lied, how the Bill of Rights failed
How a nation of patriots returned to their earth
And where will it tell of the Liberty Bell
As it rang with a thud Over Kinzua mud
And of brave Uncle Sam in Alaska this year

My country 'tis of thy people you're dying

Hear how the bargain was made for the West
With her shivering children in zero degrees
Blankets for your land, so the treaties attest
Oh well, blankets for land is a bargain indeed
And the blankets were those Uncle Sam had collected
From smallpox-diseased dying soldiers that day
And the tribes were wiped out and the history books censored
A hundred years of your statesmen have felt it's better this way
And yet a few of the conquered have somehow survived
Their blood runs the redder though genes have paled
From the Gran Canyon's caverns to craven sad hills
The wounded, the losers, the robbed sing their tale
From Los Angeles County to upstate New York
The white nation fattens while others grow lean
Oh the tricked and evicted they know what I mean

My country 'tis of thy people you're dying

The past it just crumbled, the future just threatens
Our life blood shut up in your chemical tanks
And now here you come, bill of sale in your hands

And surprise in your eyes that we're lacking in thanks
For the blessings of civilization you've brought us
The lessons you've taught us, the ruin you've wrought us
Oh see what our trust in America's brought us

My country 'tis of thy people you're dying

Now that the pride of the sires receives charity
Now that we're harmless and safe behind laws
Now that my life's to be known as your "heritage"
Now that even the graves have been robbed
Now that our own chosen way is a novelty
Hands on our hearts we salute you your victory
Choke on your blue white and scarlet hypocrisy
Pitying the blindness that you've never seen
That the eagles of war whose wings lent you glory
They were never no more than carrion crows
Pushed the wrens from their nest, stole their eggs, changed their story
The mockingbird sings it, it's all that he knows
"Ah what can I do?" say a powerless few
With a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye
Can't you see that their poverty's profiting you?

My country 'tis of thy people you're dying

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2007

Palabras para Julia

Para hoje, da autoria de José Agustín Goytisolo, um belíssimo e triste poema, de esperança no futuro. E que nos diz que o amor e a luta vão juntos para mudar a sociedade. Canta o grande Paco Ibañez, de uma gravação do seu terceiro álbum, de 1969. Aqui vo-la deixo:

Tú no puedes volver atrás,
porque la vida ya te empuja,
como un aullido interminable, interminable.
Te sentirás acorralada,
te sentirás perdida y sola,
tal vez querrás no haber nacido, no haber nacido.

Pero tú siempre acuerdate
de lo que un día yo escribí
pensando en ti, pensando en ti
como ahora pienso.

La vida es bella ya verás
como a pesar de los pesares
tendrás amigos, tendrás amor, tendrás amigos.

Un hombre solo, una mujer,
así tomados, de uno en uno
son como polvo, no son nada, no son nada.

Entonces siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí,
pensando en ti, pensando en ti
como ahora pienso.

Nunca te entregues ni te apartes,
junto al camino, nunca digas:
no puedo más y aquí me quedo, y aquí me quedo.

Otros esperan que resistas,
que les ayude tu alegría,
que les ayude tu canción, entre sus canciones.

Entonces siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí,
pensando en ti, pensando en ti
como ahora pienso.

La vida es bella ya verás
como a pesar de los pesares
tendrás amigos, tendrás amor, tendrás amigos.

No sé decirte nada más
pero tú debes comprender
que yo aún estoy en el camino, en el camino.